so majority of issues "solved".
I migrated both the ICCP and ICL to the ae0 interface ( with 2 links )
notes and questions:
not all the attached devices are homed to both nodes ( ie they are single-homed )
I have had to leave RSTP on for my ae0 inter-ex4600 link otherwise get a loop when connecting a dual homed client.
I also seem to have an issue when configuring the "vlan members all" statement on client facing mc-ae interfaces.
I need to specifiy each vlan id to carry and then its fine.
I have pending setting the RSTP system-ID to be the same on both nodes.
[interface ae6] mtu 9216; aggregated-ether-options { lacp { active; periodic fast; system-id 00:00:00:00:00:06; admin-key 6; } mc-ae { mc-ae-id 6; chassis-id 1; mode active-active; status-control standby; } } unit 0 { family ethernet-switching { interface-mode trunk; vlan { members [ a b c ]; } } } [protocol rstp] bridge-priority 8k; interface ae0 { mode point-to-point; } interface ae6 { mode point-to-point; no-root-port; } bpdu-block-on-edge
>show interface mc-ae
Member Link : ae6
Current State Machine's State: mcae active state
Local Status : active
Local State : up
Peer Status : active
Peer State : up
Logical Interface : ae6.0
Topology Type : bridge
Local State : up
Peer State : up
Peer Ip/MCP/State : ae0.0 up
> show iccp
Redundancy Group Information for peer
TCP Connection : Established
Liveliness Detection : Up
Client Application: l2ald_iccpd_client
Client Application: lacpd
> show spanning-tree interface ae0
Interface Port ID Designated Designated Port State Role
port ID bridge ID Cost
ae0 128:3 128:3 4096.2c2131f14502 1000 FWD ROOT
> show spanning-tree interface ae6
Interface Port ID Designated Designated Port State Role
port ID bridge ID Cost
ae6 128:9 128:9 8192.2c2131ee5802 1000 FWD DESG
question 1:
regarding removing spanning-tree from the client mc-ae interface:
The documentation I have seen and Ive looked at many.... doesnt really mention xSTP.
most of the docs dont mention the configuration of it, just that mc lag removes the need for it.
and others state that STP needs to be off on the ICL and on towards the clients.
so as far as I can tell from the replies:
I need to:
- set the rstp system-id to be the same
- set the rsp priority to be the same
- remove stp on the ae0 ( ICL Link )
- remove stp on any mc-ae interfaces
- any other normal interfaces still get stp
my clients are down stream switches with other sub connected switches.
so if the mc-lag pair is not participating in STP, whats the impact for these downstream nodes?
Question 2:
I have an irb interface which I want to use for inline management.
I seem to only have access to one of the IP addresses, I assume this is because of the status control/ownership.
Does anyone know what to do to get in-band management to both nodes all the time, apart from mgmt ports?