Can someone tell me why i cant get an ex 4300 non poe and poe switch to properly virtual chassis?
I have another vc that works with two 4300's and the same cabling that i have with my new vc. They are just not poe and they work.
The only difference is one of these is a POE 4300 vs the other 4300 is not. The virtual chassis either comes up and creates a vc but no sfp's register on the backplane... a 40g lr4 qsfp works in single mode but when virtual chassis is enabled it doesnt register or half the vc link comes up on reboot and 1 member is a line card. I have set mixed mode. preprovisioned. tried erasing via zeroize and restarting.. nothing makes it work properly.
What am I doing wrong.
EX4300 Virtual Chassis to POE 4300 not working