Seeing the behavior on ex3400 hundred as well. Binding is in the table. DAI still dropping things.
May 17 09:54:00 2250-ex3400 dc-pfe: DAI FAILED: ARP REQUEST received, interface ge-0/0/36.0 [index 594], vlan-id 36, sender ip/mac, receiver ip/mac
May 17 09:54:00 2250-ex3400 fpc0 DAI FAILED: ARP REQUEST received, interface ge-0/0/36.0 [index 594], vlan-id 36, sender ip/mac, receiver ip/mac
cscott@2250-ex3400# run show dhcp-security binding
IP address MAC address Vlan Expires State Interface ac:87:a3:38:23:5b student 617 BOUND ge-0/0/36.0
Switch never snoops the unicast renewals, only the broadcasts, so lease expires almost everytime. Does it matter that relay agent is on same switch? If this is how the feature works, I don't see how it is usuable in production.