I have virtual chassis with two members:
Member ID Status Serial No Model prio Role Mode Mode ID Interface 0 (FPC 0) Prsnt xxxx ex4200-48t 129 Master* N VC 1 vcp-0 1 vcp-1 1 (FPC 1) Prsnt xxxx ex4200-24t 129 Backup N VC 0 vcp-0 0 vcp-1
I can not understand how to clean up /var partition, already did all from KB, but still have alarm.
Any suggestion?
admin@hostname> show chassis alarms 1 alarms currently active Alarm time Class Description 2010-01-10 22:22:07 EET Minor Host 1 /var partition usage is high {master:0} admin@hostname> request session member 1 --- JUNOS 15.1R5.5 built 2016-11-25 16:39:56 UTC warning: This chassis is operating in a non-master role as part of a virtual-chassis (VC) system. warning: Use of interactive commands should be limited to debugging and VC Port operations. warning: Full CLI access is provided by the Virtual Chassis Master (VC-M) chassis. warning: The VC-M can be identified through the show virtual-chassis status command executed at this console. warning: Please logout and log into the VC-M to use CLI. {backup:1} admin@hostname> start shell user root Password: root@hostname:BK:1% df -h | grep var /dev/da0s3e 123M 101M 12M 90% /var <<<<<<<< /dev/da0s3d 369M 17M 323M 5% /var/tmp /dev/md10 118M 19M 89M 18% /var/rundb
root@sw-01:BK:1% pwd
/var root@hostname:BK:1% du -chs * | sort -rn 240K mfs 210K etc 138K run 112K jail 102K db 100K etcroot 41M total <<<<<<<< 19M rundb 17M tmp 14K spool 12K home 10K jails 6.0K at 4.2M log 4.0K transfer 4.0K sw 4.0K root 4.0K cron 4.0K crash 4.0K BSD.var.dist 2.0K yp 2.0K validate 2.0K rwho 2.0K preserve 2.0K named 2.0K msgs 2.0K mail 2.0K logical-systems 2.0K heimdal 2.0K empty 2.0K chroot 2.0K bin 2.0K backups 2.0K account