Your config has a bunch of trunk ports. I assume you are not using those to test communication with a PC/etc., yes? I assume your PC does not send tagged frames. Although if using those interfaces, untagged frames should be associated with VLAN 1/default and IP or
I see port ge-0/0/23 associated with vlan member 31, but vlan 31 (lyncsiptrunk) has no irb associated with it.
I see irb.0 (VLAN-ID 1; default), irb.3 (VLAN-ID 3; wlan), an irb.30 (VLAN-ID 30; lyncvoice) configured with an IP Address but no physical ports associated with any of these VLAN-ID's.
Not sure which exact interface and IP address you are trying to test with. Maybe send you original EX3300 config, . . .