I traced the communication between a device and the switch for LLDP and the device gets 12 (beside 1 and anoter 12 Vlan, why is this the case?). However my vLans are not called vlan-12 or voice for vLan 12..
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2) Vlan Name Subtype (3) Vlan Id: 1 Vlan Name: vlan-1 0x0000: 0080 c203 0001 0676 6c61 6e2d 31 Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2) Vlan Name Subtype (3) Vlan Id: 12 Vlan Name: vlan-12 0x0000: 0080 c203 000c 0776 6c61 6e2d 3132 Organization specific TLV (127), length 12: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2) Vlan Name Subtype (3) Vlan Id: 12 Vlan Name: voice 0x0000: 0080 c203 000c 0576 6f69 6365