Hello all,
I've been doing MPLS, LDP, OSPF and BGP for a while now and have been succesfully deploying l2circuits.
The version we're using is vlan-ccc encapsulated interfaces with a single VLAN tag and connect this to a neighbor with similar config.
Like below:
unit 1187 { encapsulation vlan-ccc; vlan-id 1187; input-vlan-map { swap; vlan-id 1; } output-vlan-map swap; family ccc { mtu 1520; } } protocols { l2circuit { neighbor x.x.x.x { interface xe-0/0/3.1187 { end-interface { interface ge-1/0/9.3708; } } } } }
This works fine.
But since a while, we connected to a party who wants both sides of the l2circuit to be double tagged.
We tried the following, but failed to make a working connection for the customer.
A side:
unit 1170 { encapsulation vlan-ccc; vlan-tags outer 0x8100.1170 inner 0x8100.603; family ccc { mtu 1530; } } protocols { l2circuit { neighbor x.x.x.x { interface xe-0/0/3.1170 { virtual-circuit-id 1170; mtu 1530; } } } }
B side:
unit 10603 { description "FROM: KPN WEAS core-nkh-03.xe-0/0/3:1170"; encapsulation vlan-ccc; vlan-tags outer 0x8100.603 inner 0x8100.603; family ccc { mtu 1530; } } protocols { l2circuit { neighbor y.y.y.y { interface xe-0/0/1.10603 { virtual-circuit-id 1170; mtu 1530; } } } }
MPLS, OSPF, LDP, BGP all work, and even the l2circuit connection came up. But the customer reported a non working connection. They couldn't sent any traffic over the circuit.
What am I missing here? Do i need to do something with VLAN swapping?
Thanks in advance!