Hi there,
I like to take my first steps into the world of firewall filtering on EX3300 switches, but the more I read the more I'm getting confused! :-)
My first project is: From vlan123 everything should be forbidden except "going to the internet" and ICMP traffic for monitoring purposes.
This is my first try. I didn't test it yet, because that's only possible on saturday's during "maintenance time".
firewall { family inet filter vlan123-filters term allow-internet { from { protocol [ tcp udp ]; port [ 53 80 443 ]; } then accept; term allow-icmp { from { protocol icmp: } then accept; } vlans { vlan123 { filter { input vlan123-filters; output vlan123-filters; } } } }
What do you think about that? I would be very glad about comments so I can give it a try tomorrow!
Thanks a lot and many greets