I have primary Junos running 15.x and backup image has 12.x version. How can I format/copy backup partition and copy 15.x to backup?
The output is like this
root> show system storage partitions
Boot Media: internal (da0)
Active Partition: da0s1a
Backup Partition: da0s2a
Currently booted from: active (da0s1a)
Partitions information:
Partition Size Mountpoint
s1a 183M /
s2a 183M altroot
s3d 369M /var/tmp
s3e 123M /var
s4d 62M /config
s4e unused (backup config)
root> show system snapshot media internal
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (primary)
Creation date: Jan 1 00:04:21 2010
JUNOS version on snapshot:
jdocs-ex: 15.1R6.7
junos : ex-15.1R6.7
junos-ex-4200: 15.1R6.7
jweb-ex: 15.1R6.7
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 14 02:58:07 2013
JUNOS version on snapshot:
jbase : ex-12.3R3.4
WARNING: snapshot format is incompatible with the software currently running