dear community,
we're integrating a virtual chassis formed by 4 Juniper qfx, 2x5100 48 t and 2x qfx 5100 96s.
for the 48T ones, most of the acces ports are meant to be 1G ones UTP
When configuraing the L2 somehow we found out that the only way to work out was to configure these interafces and its vlan under the "xe-" interface section vs the "ge-" interface section. Is this right? i mean, despite the speed we need on the port, are these ones always configured under the xe-x/x/x vs the ge-?
This lead us to a problem that it seems all the servers connect just at 100Mbps half-duplex.
Somehow we could not find the way to set the xe interafce speed at 1G
Even o the show interface it says that the media is phiber vs copper
Any idea s really appreciatted.