I left a ping running al day. It seems to allow traffic sometimes spontaniously.
Look at the sequence nr numbers.
-bash-4.1$ ping6 evs-web-01-352
PING evs-web-01-352(evs-web-01-352) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.21 ms
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.854 ms
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352: icmp_seq=2295 ttl=64 time=2.22 ms
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352: icmp_seq=10717 ttl=64 time=1.91 ms
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352 icmp_seq=12105 ttl=64 time=1.93 ms
64 bytes from evs-web-01-352: icmp_seq=13319 ttl=64 time=0.794 ms
I have a feeling it works for a second during the MAC learning, but when learning it done, it stops forwarding.
More verification that learning works fine:
user@MX> show route forwarding-table family bridge
Routing table: HOSTING-EVPN.evpn
Bridging domain: VL352-net52_download.evpn
Destination Type RtRef Next hop Type Index NhRef Netif
00:30:17:0b:69:a8/48 user 0 chain 15695876 19
34:6a:c2:47:48:70/48 user 0 ucst 2207 5 ae70.352
user@EX> show route forwarding-table family bridge
Routing table: HOSTING-EVPN.evpn
Bridging domain: VL352-net52_download.evpn
Enabled protocols: , MAC Stats
Destination Type RtRef Next hop Type Index NhRef Netif
00:30:17:0b:69:a8/48 user 0 ucst 1882 5 ae11.352
34:6a:c2:47:48:70/48 user 0 chain 15695876 3