Hi Partha,
thanks for your info, probably the issue is some TAG packet coming with wrong TAG.
Now I found other problem in a leaf 3 that don't send traffic in ae with bundle on other port spine 1, this with Extreme switch on other side.
LACP is UP and regular but some traffic coming true xe-3/0/38 don't working.
I already change SFP and patch but it's the same.
Below the config:
interfaces ae20
description TRUNK-LACP-TO_Extreme-x440---AE20;
mtu 9192;
encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;
aggregated-ether-options {
link-speed 10g;
lacp {
periodic slow;
unit 3 {
encapsulation vlan-bridge;
vlan-id 3;
unit 10 {
encapsulation vlan-bridge;
vlan-id 10;
interfaces xe-1/0/38
description TO_Extreme-x440---AE20;
ether-options {
802.3ad ae20;
interfaces xe-3/0/38
description TO_Extreme-x440---AE20;
ether-options {
802.3ad ae20;
Do you hav eseen this issue ?
Thanks !