I have 3x Juniper EX4550s connected together. Switch_A connects to Switch_B and Switch_C via 2x links per side....1x GigE, 1x10Gig. The 'qualified-next-hop' is being used in static routing to ensure that the 10G link is always used as a priority, and if that fails, the next-hop flips to the 1G link.
Switches B and C, also connect together as the LANs at those sites need to talk directly to each other.
All links are trunks with unique VLAN ids, and they all have L3 IP addresses.
My problem is that RSTP is putting some links in BLOCK mode. Because I'm pretty much controlling traffic using L3 routing, I see no reason for STP and have disabled it. Do you clever people agree that this is the right way of configuring my setup?