I went ahead and deleted all configurations except for the password then did the config how you suggested, commited and then rebooted.
However when the unit came back up after the reboot the config had reverted back to what it was before.
For some reason the unit is not saving the config.
After doing a commit is there anything else that I need to be doing to save the config?
Here is the conf that one of the units keeps reverting to.
root@P6893-C> show configuration
## Last commit: 2018-02-21 01:48:50 UTC by root
version 15.1R6.7;
system {
arp {
aging-timer 5;
syslog {
user * {
any emergency;
file messages {
any notice;
authorization info;
file interactive-commands {
interactive-commands any;
commit {
factory-settings {
## Warning: missing mandatory statement(s): 'root-authentication'
protocols {
igmp-snooping {
## Warning: configuration block ignored: unsupported platform (qfx3500)
vlan all;