I am seeing ICMP duplicates for traffic traversing our virtual chassi (consisting of two ex2300-48p switches).
Physical diagram:
Some findings:
- laptop connected to ge-0/0/9, vlanA = no duplicates
laptop connected to ge-1/0/9, vlanA = duplicates
laptop connected to ge-0/0/9, vlanB = duplicates
laptop connected to ge-1/0/9, vlanB = no duplicates
I ping from the firewall which is the default gateway for both Vlans. We have production traffic in the switches and I haven't heard anything about any issues for them. ICMP duplicates indicates that something is wrong though so I want this solved before it blows up in my face.
The VCP ports are connected with DAC cables.
some outputs:
root@switch> show configuration virtual-chassis
member 0 {
role routing-engine;
serial-number JW0217060269;
member 1 {
role routing-engine;
serial-number JW0217100386;
root@switch> show virtual-chassis status detail
Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 1b65.2a7a.638c
Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled
Mstr Mixed Route
Member ID Status Serial No Model prio Role Mode Mode Location
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt JW0217060269 ex2300-48p 129 Master* N VC
Neighbor ID: 1 Interface: vcp-255/1/0
Neighbor ID: 1 Interface: vcp-255/1/1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt JW0217100386 ex2300-48p 129 Backup N VC
Neighbor ID: 0 Interface: vcp-255/1/0
Neighbor ID: 0 Interface: vcp-255/1/1
root@switch> show virtual-chassis vc-port
Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
or ID (mbps) ID Interface
PIC / Port
1/0 Configured 5 Up 10000 1 vcp-255/1/0
1/1 Configured 5 Up 10000 1 vcp-255/1/1
Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
or ID (mbps) ID Interface
PIC / Port
1/0 Configured 5 Up 10000 0 vcp-255/1/0
1/1 Configured 5 Up 10000 0 vcp-255/1/1
Anyway to troubleshoot this without changing hardware or firmware?
Thanks in advance