Cisco 3750 etherchannel to EX4600 LAG load balance settings
I am working to replace our cisco core switch stack (3750s) with a EX4600/4300 mixed virtual chassis. All closets are currently cisco 3750;s which trunk back to the core. Currently the cisco...
ocbroadband, You can use single user mode from the console port to do a root password recovery following this kb article. This does require you power off the switch and have physical access to the...
View ArticleRe: Multigigabit Switches
Multigigabit is mainly to address 802.11AC wave AP that requires more than 1G. (A link aggreation should ideally be a workaround here). There is roadmap for EX3400-MG perhaps in Q3'18 but not...
View ArticleRe: Cisco 3750 etherchannel to EX4600 LAG load balance settings
Hi, Following can be the two different recommendations. 1. If you want default LACP to load balance the traffic, LACP actor partner selection will be decide load balancing algoritham.In that case, on...
View ArticleEX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
Hello, dear community.Is there any way around this restriction? It is necessary to use a range and individual members on different interfaces. 12.3R12-S8.1 range_1 { vlan-range 4-75; } show interfaces...
View ArticleRe: EX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
You are receiving the error because you are trying to config interface xe-0/0/16 specifically to be a member of VLAN30 (I assume vlan-id 30) as well as make it via the range a trunk and a member...
View ArticleRe: Multigigabit Switches
The EX4300 version of the MutliGigabit switches (EX4300M) will be able to VC with both EX4300 and EX3400. Initial release (Q3/2018) will only VC with other EX4300 and/or EX4600 switches, but later on...
View ArticleRe: Multigigabit Switches
That will certainly help, I was looking into that option as well. When you say Q3/2018, that's when the EX4300M is first going to be available? Also, do you know if the 4300/3400 VC will operate in...
View ArticleRe: Multigigabit Switches
Q3/2018 is when EX4300M is scheduled to start shipping. As for when EX3400 VC support will be added, that date I am unsure of, but I would probably expect no sooner than Q4/2018, potentially later.
View ArticleRe: EX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
But xe-0/0/16 port is not included in the range_1, this is seen in the config above.I do not use the range in xe-0/0/16 interface, I use it on ae27 and other. On xe-0/0/16 I need separate members...
View ArticleRe: EX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
The vlan-range command is essentially creating the vlan definitions. You can't define two different vlans with the same tag. Can you configure xe-0/0/16 to use the member called __range_1_30__ ? This...
View ArticleEX4600 and 4300 mixed VC issue on removal of EX4300?
I have just configured an EX4600 and EX4300 mixed chassis. THere are 2 EX4600's and 1 EX4300. I have configured the VC using the preprovisioned method of Set virtual-chassis member # serial-number...
View ArticleRe: EX4600 and 4300 mixed VC issue on removal of EX4300?
How these switches interconnected ? virtual-chassis no-split-detection configured ?
View ArticleICMP duplicates for traffic traversing EX2300x2 Virtual Chassi
Hi,I am seeing ICMP duplicates for traffic traversing our virtual chassi (consisting of two ex2300-48p switches).Physical diagram:Some findings:laptop connected to ge-0/0/9, vlanA = no duplicateslaptop...
View ArticleRe: EX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
If you mean like this, then it also does not work.set vlans range_1_30 vlan-range 30-30 commit check error: tag value 30 is being used by more than one vlan <__range_1_30_30__> and...
View ArticleRe: Remote Port mIrroring with AE interfaces
Can you try to create a vlan for analyzer (output).. and map the ae part of that output vlan. SOmething like this. To mirror traffic that is traversing interfaces or a VLAN on the switch to a VLAN for...
View ArticleRe: EX Series vlan members and vlan-range simultaneously
No, I mean use the vlan already created by the range command: set interfaces xe-0/0/16 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members __range_1_30__That said, I just tried on a test box and I get a...
View ArticleRe: EX4600 and 4300 mixed VC issue on removal of EX4300?
Ok it turns out that the EX4600's do eventually take on the role of master and backup and all interfaces then come back up. However, this takes about 15 min! If I plug the EX4300 in, it happens within...
View ArticleRe: EX4600 and 4300 mixed VC issue on removal of EX4300?
What version JUNOS are you running? Look at PR1225696. I recall until one of the more recent 14.1X53 releases it taking 10+ minutes for a newly-rebooted EX4300 VC to come up--perhaps related to your...
View ArticleRe: EX2200 can't join in boot -s (single mode) auto rebooting
Thank you a lot dude, that fixed the problem, I get my two ex2200 back now!
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