Hi, how can I find, what is wrong with my network? My topology is with access Cisco switches, distribution switches and Cisco core switches but the Cisco core switches they are in stack. And everything was fine.. Now we migrated old core Cisco switches to new Juniper core QFX and EX. switches in stack in ring topology, two QFX are In one location like one stack, two QFX are in other location and one QFX in other location. And all 5 QFX are in stack like one in ring topology. In Juniper QFX we create Link aggreggation with lacp and we connect all our cisco equipment with channel groups (port channels in lacp mode) to new Juniper QFX core switches. And the network is too slow now... The problem is all our end user systems in access level work so slowly ... The all our network is toooooooooo slow.............................. How can we troubleshot the problems?