Hi Guys,
I have an EX4200 with an uplink to a customer.
i would like to limit the customer incoming and outgoind traffic to 60M.
the inbound working fine, configuration:
set firewall policer Policer_60M if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 60m
set firewall policer Policer_60M if-exceeding burst-size-limit 1m
set firewall policer Policer_60M then discard
FW Filter
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter TEST1 term 1 then accept
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter TEST1 term 1 then policer Policer_60M
Applying FW Filter to Interface
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching filter input TEST1
the outgoing limit isnt working(shaping), configuration:
set class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/1 shaping-rate 10m
set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles output shaping-rate 60m
set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles output shaping-rate burst-size 30k
set class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/1 output-traffic-control-profile output
there is anything missing?