We have a EX4200 that is connected to a 2200-c and it was never put into VC. Before someone says something about "best practices" these two are on separate floors and will never saturate a 1GB link the VC is strictly for configuration ease. Anyway, upon setting up the 4200 it was discovered that the only port options are 0..23. It is a ex4200-48px and I am confused why I can't select port 47. (which is where the 2200-c is connected) The 2200-c has the option of 0..47 and it's a little guy. Both switches are using the best practice firmware (12.3R12-S7). I fired up an old lab ex4200-48t and same thing. only options 0..23 when it comes to the port settings (older 12.3 firmware)
User493@MAIN4200> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 0 port ?
Possible completions:<port> Port number (0..23) {master:0}
I am just wonder why this is and is there a way to change it. Thanks in advanced