OK that make sense.
I was in data center today to physically connect the cable.
And guess what.
Connection just don't come up at all (port LEDs are dead on both ends), what is interesting I tried a scenario where LACP is active - active, active - passive, passive - active. Nothing works. Layer 1 problem I excluded by plugin in cable from Cisco to another Cisco switch, and port come up, so the damanged cable problem is excluded.
I have one more idea. However, that doesn't explain why this crap doesn;t want to work.
BTW, I did debug lacp all on Cisco side during my tests and no single log line has been printed (like wth !).
So, what I want to try.
Currently on VC side my config in protocols is like that:
protocols { rstp { bridge-priority 4k; } vstp { bpdu-block-on-edge; interface ae0; interface ae14; vlan all { bridge-priority 4k; } } }
I want to try with something like that
protocols { rstp { bridge-priority 4k; } vstp { bpdu-block-on-edge; interface ae0; vlan all { interface ae14; bridge-priority 4k; } } }
So basically I want to move the problematic LAG ae14 under vlan all . I don't want to touch ae0 since first of all it is working, and second it is uplink between both cores (I cannot break it without maintenance window).
BTW. What is actually the difference between having interface under vstp directly, and under vlan subcommand ?
My ae0 has all VLANs propagated in STP properly even it is not under vlan all subcommand. Anyone know the difference ?