Hi everyone! It's my first time configuring Juniper devices and I would like to ask some help if you may.
Scenario: We have SRX240 HA Cluster connected 2 EX4300 in virtual chassis. I attached the topology.
Issue: When the member1 switch is the Master, I can ping from router to switch, router to server, and vice-versa so basically no problem at all. But when member0 switch becomes the Master, I cannot ping from router to switch, router to server, or vice versa. There is also RTO when member0 is down.
Here is the virtual chassis status:
root@EX-4300# run show virtual-chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: c14c.9326.a5d7
Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled
Mstr Mixed Route Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No Model prio Role Mode Mode ID Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt PE3715020154 ex4300-48t 255 Backup N VC 1 vcp-255/1/3
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt PE3713320098 ex4300-48t 255 Master* N VC 0 vcp-255/1/0
Member ID for next new member: 2 (FPC 2)
root@EX-4300# run show virtual-chassis vc-port
Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
or ID (mbps) ID Interface
PIC / Port
1/3 Configured -1 Up 40000 1 vcp-255/1/0
Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
or ID (mbps) ID Interface
PIC / Port
1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 0 vcp-255/1/3
Here are the interfaces between SRX and EX:
SRX-A ge-0/0/14 ---> EX1 ge-0/0/46
SRX-A ge-0/0/15 ---> EX2 ge-1/0/46
SRX-B ge-5/0/14 ---> EX1 ge-0/0/47
SRX-B ge-5/0/15 ---> EX1 ge-1/0/47
EX1 ge-0/0/10 ---> Server
EX2 ge-1/0/10 ---> Server
ISP ---> SRX-A ge-0/0/7
root@EX-4300# run show interfaces terse | match ae*
Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote
ge-0/0/10.0 up up aenet --> ae3.0
ge-0/0/46.0 up up aenet --> ae0.0
ge-0/0/47.0 up up aenet --> ae0.0
ge-1/0/10.0 up up aenet --> ae3.0
ge-1/0/46.0 up up aenet --> ae1.0
ge-1/0/47.0 up up aenet --> ae1.0
ae0 up up
ae0.0 up up eth-switch
ae1 up up
ae1.0 up up eth-switch
ae3 up up
ae3.0 up up eth-switch
root@SRX-B> show interfaces terse | match reth*
ge-0/0/7.0 up up aenet --> reth2.0
ge-0/0/14.0 up up aenet --> reth0.0
ge-0/0/15.0 up up aenet --> reth1.0
ge-5/0/7.0 up down aenet --> reth2.0
ge-5/0/14.0 up up aenet --> reth0.0
ge-5/0/15.0 up up aenet --> reth1.0
reth0 up up
reth0.0 up up inet
reth1 up up
reth1.0 up up inet
reth2 up up
reth2.0 up up inet
If you guys have any idea what could possibly be wrong or has suggestions, I would be happy to try them out.