Hi, I'm trying to setup a port on our EX3300 (12.3R12-S7) to support multiple supplicants; I followed the configuration example found here: https://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB29795&cat=EX8216_1&actp=LIST
The port is connected to a managed, non Juniper switch, where clients are connected to. The clients are a Windows PC using 802.1x and a phone using MAC RADIUS; the managed switch is seen as a third device, using MAC RADIUS as well.
The clients can authenticate just fine if they are connected directly to the EX3300; when connected through the switch in the middle, only the phone can authenticate while the PC returns an authentication error.
The logs on the RADIUS server show that the PC is trying to connect using MAC RADIUS, while it should use 802.1x instead.
I found there is an authentication-order parameter to set the order in which authentication methods should be used, but it's been introduced in release 15.1R3: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/reference/configuration-statement/authentication-order-edit-authenticator.html
Does anybody know if there is a similar parameter in release 12.3? Or how to solve the issue described above without this parameter?
Thank you,