Hi ,
The provided command give only a cumulative value , not a real time throughput/pps of the PFEs :
EX4500> show pfe statistics bridge
PFE: 0 1
---- Ingress Counters ----
-- Set0 --
Received: 1900586675 659618863
VLAN Filtered: 0 0
Security Filtered: 0 0
Other Discards: 0 0
-- Set1 --
Received: 1900583062 659618848
VLAN Filtered: 0 0
Security Filtered: 0 0
Other Discards: 0 0
---- Egress Counters ----
-- Set0 --
Unicast: 4277727167 3015490992
Multicast: 47734003 1343101
Broadcast: 7719 0
Egress Filtered: 0 0
Congestion Filtered: 332 61858
Control Packets: 162824920 51360269
-- Set1 --
Unicast: 4277727091 3015490986
Multicast: 47734003 1343101
Broadcast: 7719 0
Egress Filtered: 0 0
Congestion Filtered: 332 61858
Control Packets: 162824920 51360269
---- General Counters ----
Drop Mode: 32 32
Drop Count: 0 0
Src Not Learnt: 4193305 10732
i see that there is a shell command that give RT size , any similar one for PPS/BW ?
root@EX4500:RE:0% cprod -A fpc0 -c "show route ip table