Hi there,
I have two QFX10K, connected between them with
2x40 for ICCP connectivity - ae0 Layer3
2x100 for ICL connectivity - ae1 as trunk
The MC-AE's interfaces connected to 2 QFX5K
the iccp is up, the mc-ae interfaces are up
I might be missing something, but on some manuals i saw that the ICCP link and the loopback0 of the machine should be familiar by routing, i saw it was done by ospf as both bounded to are
lo0 uses as the iccp endpoints of the machine, and I guess as ae0 serves as the ICCP links, some kind of routing is needed.
on my example, the lo0 is internet routable, the sh route indicates the peer iccp is routed through the switch layer 3 feeds (isis). in this case:
how would i know ae0 does anything?
how would i know that internet goes off (both links) - iccp can still communicate via ae0?
should i use static to route iccp peers across the ae0 with higher metric?
should i run routing protocol between ae0's?
i'm sure i'm missing something here. will appriciate your help.